
RX 100 Kyrgyzstan XI

For the next route, we joined forces with Alix, the American from the other camp, and backpacked over to the Ak-Su Valley, which parallels the Kara-Su to the east. We wanted to climb what is probably the most famous climb in the Karavshin, Perestroika Crack, on Peak Slesova. We had heard that the weather in the Ak-Su was better, and the water running from the glaciers were clearer. The weather did seem to be better, but the water was thick with sediment so we still had to search for spring water to drink. We camped near a party of two French climbers who were wrapping up their trip. One was sick in his tent and I don't remember even seeing him, the other shared beta and snacks. From what he told us, it seemed that Ak-Su was the place to be, especially this late in the season.